Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Easter Topiary

I love this time of year !

This Easter topiary took me all of 5-ish minutes to make.

Gotta love that !Here's what I started with: a bag of Easter grass that I got after Easter last year from 10 cents, a $1.00 foam block, two packs of Glitter Egg Picks for $1.00 each from Dollar Tree and finally my awesome find from Goodwill a cute metal basket I scored for 50 cents. The metal basket was a centerpiece from Edible arrangements . First off I hot glued the foam block in the metal basket. I oped not to take the plastic off the block. . . why ? ? . . because I don't like the 'dusty' stuff that falls off these foam blocks. Next I broke each pick in different spots to vary the height of each one. Than I stuck each pick in the foam block, again varying them in height. After adding the Easter grass. . . Here it is ! Lovin' it on my dining room table. Happy Crafting !


Nicole @ Wohler's World said...

Super cute project! I did something similiar, but yours is way more cute. I couldn't find as cute as a container as you, thanks for sharing!

Jennifer said...

Super cute! Great idea!
So simple too which I love :)

Anonymous said...

THIS IS MY FAVORITE!!!!! I'm off to the Dollar Tree tomorrow! Thank you for the inspiration!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

This is super cute! I'm visiting via Creative Girls blog hop!

Pamela said...

So sweet and EASY...at least the tutorial made it seem easy. Bless you for posting it.

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Saw you at Fingerprints on the Fridge.

Love your Easter decoration! I've seen the egg picks but never thought to use them like that. :)

Anonymous said...

very nice ans so easy:)

Diane said...

Clever, clever! I love it, looks great....I am inspired to make one for my Easter decor. Diane

Rita@martenssmily said...

This looks really sweet and easy... very cute!!! Love it!!!

Just Me said...

What a cute idea!

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Cute! I've got some of those picks but haven't use them yet. I don't have a great container like that.

Anonymous said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Very cute!

Ami Allison said...

We have great minds!! I did this too, just a little differently. I EVEN broke my sticks too!! I'm your newest follower! :)


Unknown said...

Hi Kristie - love this - so quick and easy! Would you mind if I featured this in a post on my craft blog?


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