Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Valentines Topiary

I loved my last topiary so much I started looking around for things.
I could use to make another

I had this one block leftover from another project, that I'm hoping
I'll be able to post tomorrow... still waiting for it to dry..
anyhow back to today's little project. I scored and got this cute little glass vase/ bowl from Goodwill for 25 cents, but the opening was a little smaller than the foam block so I trimmed the edges down.. which made a HUGE mess,
so a tip if your going to trim a foam block, do it outside :)

Love these paper shreds, got from Dollar Tree.
I got a little too excited putting it together and forgot to take an assembly picture. But I know you all can figure out what I did. . . after I trimmed the block I tucked it in the middle of the vase and shoved some paper shreds all along the edge till you could no longer see any green foam.

Than I took two packs of these adorable glitter hearts
also from Dollar Tree and stuck them in,
I broke the sticks on some of them so they could vary in height.

I took this picture tonight of it on our Entertainment Center. Love it ! Happy Crafting.


  1. Love it! The little glitter hearts are adorable! I saw those the other day at Dollar Tree and wondered what I could do with them. Now I know! Thanks for sharing-

  2. Those are perfect little hearts... Love it :O)

  3. LOVE the simplicity of this! Super easy, inexpensive, and ADORABLE! Can't get much better than that!

    Jessica @


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