"What are those, Mom?"
"They're little mailboxes, that I'm going to put little notes or
little funny Valentine gifts in for the next 14 days."
"Oh, so they're Love Boxes"
Whats more fun than having a little love note,
or a little gift when you wake up in the morning ? ?
I don't know but my boys are awfully excited
about 'getting mail' over the next two weeks.
This was really easy, peasy. All you need is one mailbox per kiddo. They have them in the dollar area at Target, and Micheal's also has them. Stickers of your choice. And if you wish candlestick holders, Don't really need them but the mailboxes are so much cuter on them. Oh, and super glue to attach the holders to the bottom of the mailboxes. And ta-da your very own Love Box.
Cute! I am working on decorating my boys mailboxes today:)