Thursday, September 15, 2011

Art Project Display

Do you have a way to display your child art and school projects ? ?
Do you just put them on the fridge ? ?
Or just stick them in a drawer ? ?

We used to just put them on the fridge but after we got a new Stainless Steel Fridge we lost the ability to put them up there .. but to be honest I never really liked them up there, it always looked really cluttered and sometimes they would get wet, from little boys shaking the water off their hands instead of using the towel  4 inches way. So after our old fridge was hauled off I had to come up with a new way/ place to display all their projects. After blog hopping and website 'shopping' I came across a blog (forget the name now)  where the lady glued metal clips to a wire. And although hers turned out awesome I didn't really want to use metal clips, fearing they might rip one of the art pieces if they were even slightly tugged on and I had to metal clips anyway but I did have clothes pins handy. I also didn't have any wire but did have an 8ft long piece of wood, so after a quick cut in half I was on my way to a Masterpiece Display.

I made the ones for my boys months ago but recently my sister-in-law and a good friend had asked me to recreate ones for their little ones.

I started off by clipping the clothes pins on a box so they would be easier to paint.

After cutting the 8ft piece into two pieces,
I sprayed painted each one and once dry I whipped out the trusty tape measure and went to work measuring out equal spacing.  

Next use either a glue gun (my choice)
 or a strong glue to attach the clothes pins to the wood.

Next you can either free write your child's name, use vinyl to place their name on or go to Joanns, pick up a wooden letter, paint and attach like I did. (I need to go back and get the other two letters)

Here's a picture of ours in 'use'.


  1. Very cute! Our art hangs on a clothesline in our hallway and I use little clothes pins to keep everything attached:) I love the letters to make them personal!

  2. This a super cute way to display the kiddos creations.

  3. I made one these but I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to hang it on the wall. Please help!! Thank you!!


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