Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"I'm happier than a Tornado in a Trailer Park"

I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park .

OK, honestly who doesn't love Mater ? ?

My little man's 4th Birthday Party is this weekend hence me being MIA in blog land, I've been shopping, shopping some more and creating a bunch of fun stuff to go along with his Cars themed party.

So since Mater is my absolute favorite I decided I would give you'll a peak at something I whipped up today. . . You'll have to come back Monday to figure out exactly what I ended up using it for. I started out with a brown tissue box I got for .99 cent at Target. And using the above picture as my guide . . using the word guide loosely , I turned the tissue box into . .
Mater !!

It ended up cuter than I thought it would turn out when I first started and I can't wait to see the look on Kasen's face this Saturday.

Remember, come back Monday to see what I used it for !!


  1. Oh, too too cute! My son turns 3 next month and he's totally crazy about Cars...he would flip OUT! We may have to try this. :)
    Thanks for sharing!

    Amy@One Artsy Mama

  2. I love this! It could not be cuter! Thanks for sharing!

  3. So cute! He is going to love it! I can't wait until after his party to see what you use it for... You could do a giant one and make some kind of bean bag game!!
    I am a new follower and found your blog through Thrifty 101 - I would love a "follow back" if you get a chance - but I know how birthday planning goes!
    Have a great day and come see me at

  4. Soooo cute! My son would absolutely love this! We just went to see Cars 2 last night & this would just make his day!

  5. Adorable! I'm planning a Cars 2 Party in August, please share all your ideas! I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  6. LOve this...but I'm sure my 4 year old is going to love it even more! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great idea! My little man would love this!

  8. This is adorable and I am having my sons 4th birthday this weekend and his theme is cars as well!

  9. So cute! My son would LOVE this!

  10. So stinkin' cute! MY boys would totally love this! Hope your son has a fabulous birthday party!
    Jenn :)

  11. No way! I love it! I would love it if you would link up to my Tuesday Confessional party going on now. There is a really great giveaway going on with it. I hope to see you soon!


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