Thursday, June 9, 2011

Caterpillars * Recyclable Craft

I love recyclable crafts.

And even more I love the look on their faces when I set something like an egg Carton in front of them and tell them we're making Caterpillars. Have to love the "Huh ? ?" look. Super easy craft, take the bottom of an egg carton, cut in half and hand a half to each kiddo.
Than let them paint away . . .
They can take the Kasen route and mix all the colors !
Or the Taelor route and make a pretty rainbow
After they were done painting, I put them outside to dry, didn't take long here with the Tucson heat today.
After they're dry attach two googly eyes to the front. Next, for the antennas I simply cut a pipe clean in half, twisted around a pen and poked through the top of the egg carton. Easy Peasy .
We're in bug heaven over here ever since I got the boys bug catchers from the Dollar Store and these were perfect to feed into their Bug Lovin' .


  1. Those are too cute! I love that it is basically a free craft too! I saw something similar on pinterest but they painted it to look like the Hungry Catepillar:)

  2. this is so cute and creative!!! I Love it:)
    awesome idea

  3. Hooray for simple and so much fun!!

    Would you like to link it up to our Weekly Playdate at: ?

    Come & Play :: Playdate!

  4. Adorable! Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing. Cute blog!!

  5. Oh, my two year old will absolutely love this project! Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. Can I come to your house? Looks like they had so much fun with these! Hugs, antonella :-)


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