Monday, May 23, 2011

"Magnificent" & "Marvelous" Jars - Teacher Appreciation

These turned out way cuter than I thought they would.
And that's always a good thing, huh ? ?

And from start to finish, two jars only took about twenty minutes,
score for quick, simple, but awesome gifts!!

Perfect for Taelor's "M&M's",
find out what an M&M is by reading the poem at the bottom.

I ended up with a lot of extras M&M's but I really wanted all three sizes . . regular, peanut and minis.
Open up the bags and give a quick stir to mix things up !
The only problem I came across when I wanted to do this project was that we don't drink anything out of glass jars, nothing, so when I went to the grocery store tonight I just kept my eyes open for a nice jar regardless of what was in it because I knew unfortunately we would just dump whatever was in it. . was the winning bottle was a Yoohoo . . nice clean bottle, wide opening and a cap that twisted back on.

First thing first was to dump out the liquid,
wash and let completely air dry. While I was waiting for the jars to dry I took these two caps and ....
spray painted them, nice and pretty. After the jars were dry I used double sided tape to attach a green piece of card stock to the jar. And on top of the green I again used double sided tape to attach the white card stock that I printed the poem onto. . . Added a think brown ribbon and they're all set for school tomorrow.
Here's the poem in case you'd like to copy and do a last minute gift for one of your favorite teachers.

Green is for the inspiration you give me each day.
Blue is for your patience in showing me the way.
Orange is for your warmth and caring style.
Yellow is for the way you always make me smile.
Red is for my life that you have touched this year.
You're a very special teacher just like this jar, that's clear.
You place knowledge in our children's hands
and melt into their hearts and lives forever.
You're a "Magnificent" & "Marvelous" teacher
Thank you for being my M&M.

Happy Crafting ! !


  1. I love this! Anything with m & m's. I am doing something similar and another blogger used the Starbucks bottles if you want to make a couple. New follower. Would love a follow back at

  2. I used to do this with frap bottles in high school for football players. We had a local candy store with color M&Ms and I'd buy the school colors. Love how it turned out!!

  3. Love them and what an amazing and thoughtful gift!

  4. Very cute! I love the poem. Totally something that would make us teachers tear up :) Great job!

    Deviantly Domesticated Team

  5. Thanks for sharing! I am totally making this for my daughter's teachers! :)
    I am your newest follower- and I would love to have you follow me back!
    Camille @


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