Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Quiet Please . . .

This past weekend was a good friends of mines baby shower and from the moment I received the Baby Shower invitation I was brainstorming ideas for a personalized gift since I knew the little ones name.

Side note: I love knowing baby's names ahead of time because I
absolutely love personalizing gifts.

Any who back to the brainstorming. . . So one night after the boys were in bed and I was surfing the Internet the doorbell rang and not just one ring but three!, AFTER the boys had just settled down. . . so after telling the solicitor it was outrageous for them to be ringing my door bell at 8pm ! !
I went back to my craft room and -ding-
the idea for a cute little plaque came to me.

I really like how it turned out and hope Jennifer and
baby Cam enjoy it for many years too come.


  1. THat's adorable I so need one of those!

  2. LOVE this idea! It never fails that someone is going to knock on my door just as my kiddos are failing asleep at naptime!


"If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all." -Thumper, Bambi

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