Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feeling Official. . .

I feel like an 'official' Blog now.

Why you ask... Because thanks to my wonderful, tech savvy sister
I have a BUTTON !

I was talking to her the other day telling her how all the Blogs
I love have these adorable, awesome buttons for their sites,
and next thing I know she created one for me !

So a Big Blogland 'Thank You' to her.

Simply Crafty

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" width="125" height="125" /></a>

If you like my blog, grab my button and post on your blog.

And if I don't have your button on my side bar already, let me know andI'll go over and grab yours. Have a Great Day Everyone ! ! !


  1. Congrats! I remember when I first made my button--I was so excited! I've only had it for a few months and now I'm ready for a revamp already!

  2. I am a new follower and have grabbed your button to put on my site. YOU HAVE A CRAZY CUTE SITE! Thanks.



"If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all." -Thumper, Bambi

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